Care instructions


Washing your lingerie: it's a delicate business. The rule does not apply here: color by color, white by white. Nope, it's a lot more complex. To keep your underwear beautiful for longer, it is important to take good care of it. Be sure to keep these golden rules in mind.

Do not wash your bras too much

You don't have to wash your bra after two uses. In theory, the rule is: wash your bra after wearing it five to seven times. If you wait a little longer, that is of course no problem. A good airing is often good too.

Wash bras and underwear at 30°C. (It is best to wash printed briefs inside out)

Do a hand wash

Do you have lingerie with lots of frills? Think cute bows, lace details or other fantasies? Then preferably opt for a hand wash. By washing by hand you also better preserve the elasticity (and also the lifespan) of your favorite set! Collect all colored lingerie in a bowl of warm water, add detergent for delicate fabrics and let everything rest for a while. After a few minutes, squeeze your lingerie out and lay it flat to dry.

in a net

Do you still want to use your washing machine? Then definitely choose the hand wash setting at a low temperature. Put your lingerie in a net. This way your bra won't get tangled up with your t-shirts. Also close the brackets, it will save you a lot of untangling afterwards. It is also best to put slips with fantasies in a lingerie bag. Do you wear padded bras? You really shouldn't throw these in the washing machine.

Never in the dryer

Washed everything neatly? Never throw your lingerie in the dryer. But let your underwear dry on a flat surface so the straps don't stretch.



Do Not Get Your Jewelry Wet

Perhaps the biggest, most important thing that I can say in these jewelry care instructions is to never get your jewelry wet! This means do not wear your rings when you wash your hands, and do not wear your jewelry when showering, swimming or sweating. I also recommend putting your jewelry on as a final step to getting ready for the day. That means, do your skincare routine, apply your hair products, perfumes, and makeup setting spray before wearing your jewelry. Moisture will cause your items to turn quickly.


General Wiping

Use any microfiber or lint-free cloth to remove oils and fingerprints of you jewelry